Opa and Honey

When we bought our house on a plot of dirt, we had no idea the journey it would take us on.  We started with all the usual things- fencing was erected, landscaping was planted, grass seed was laid. We had pens built for our many animals that the kids were raising. Lambs grew up and became ewes that supplied our many grand champion babes for area fairs and shows. We added hogs and horses. Bunnies came at Easter and chicks were a favorite in the spring. The field was filled with life, and everyone grew from the many lessons that came from farm living.

After the kids flew the nest, and we were down to a few ewes – and as always, chickens, it was time for a new adventure. We weren’t sure what that would be. Did we have a plan? Well…no.

The love of flowers has always been in my heart coming from a long line of farmers and gardeners. Growing up with a bee charmer, my grandmother, who could take a seed, place it lovingly into the soil and then speak oh so softly to it so it only had one option – to grow into something beautiful, was an influence on my young self. I knew at a very young age that seeds, and soil were special.

Dave, growing up in eastern Oregon ag country, did what most boys do in our area of the world… he worked harvest.  Little did he know that he would someday be married to a flower farmer and need some of those valuable skills that he learned long ago.

Our next step with our field began with a book, a book about flower farming. And so the next chapter began: FLOWERS. We could bring joy to others through seeds, soil, and blooms! We have loved this journey and can’t wait to see where this season takes us. We are committed to continuing to learn and grow along with all of you.

One thing we know for sure- we are blessed beyond measure.

In all things good, 
Opa and Honey -grandparents to five littles who continue to love the land we live on and bask in all that the earth has to offer.

P.S. We tragically lost our Maggie (Magnolia May - the farm's namesake) in 2021. Shortly after losing Maggie we fell in love with our new pups: Dahlia May and Daisy May. Who love the farm and flowers just the same. 

Making the world more

beautiful one seed at a time